Monday, June 28, 2010


Ever been in a super rut in your life? Even though allergies are a day to day struggle, I still can't seem to find anything to write about. No new recipe, no fabulous new restaurant to report. Jut some health issues, and a sticky "s" key on my laptop that's making it hard for me to write this.

So, what started this whole thing was a routine trip to the doctor for allergies that turned out to be far from routine. A blood test reported that I have a low white blood cell count, unusual since you develop high counts when you're sick to fight the sickness. Well, this led to recommendations of allergy and hematology specialists. This then led to me realizing my health insurance sucks and I couldn't afford further testing that I needed.

With a, now, pre-existing condition, I had to sign up for CA Major Risk insurance which costs almost half my paycheck every month. Finally, I see the doctor again on the 6th. Scared, but at least maybe now I'll get to the bottom of all this. Wish me luck...