Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I've been in the process of moving over the past few weeks, and as such have not been able to cook since all the cookware is in disarray. So, Mike and I have been eating out quite a bit. Now, usually I am a huge dessert person. I love sweets! But I can never finish one on my own. The problem: almost every restaurant we've been to does not have a non-dairy dessert option. Mike's dessert options are very limited due to his milk allergy.

Recently, I've been chiming in on a discussion on AllergyEats.com's blog on whether or not restaurants should be required to post allergens on their menu. It's been a great dialogue and I urge you all to read the article and comments.

Now, I must add to this by suggesting that restaurants should include a non-dairy item to their dessert menu. There are very few choices out their for milk-allergic people when it comes to dessert. A simple pie, sorbet or fruit concoction without the a la mode would be nice. I would simply like the option of sitting in a restaurant and share a dessert with my fiancee after a wonderful meal. Anybody else have this problem? It's great we have options in entrees and appetizers that are allergen specific, but what about the dessert? All I'm saying is options would be nice.

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