Sunday, January 3, 2010

Testing the Waters

Actually, testing the tomato ;) Since I had different reactions to eating cooked or raw tomatoes, I have started testing different tomato dishes to see if there's a compromise I can make with my diet. My results so far:

I do have an allergic reaction when consuming anything tomato, but the severity differs greatly.

Raw tomatoes: I ate a BLT last night, used to be one of my favorite sandwiches. I've had a pretty bad sinus build-up and did wake up once to blow my nose for a good 30 min. Bad, but not the worse. I had the same reaction when I accidentally ate a raw tomato underneath some cheese in a nacho plate.

Cooked or stewed tomatoes: This was the worse! That soup with the stewed tomatoes rendered the most horrible attack I've had in a long time. I couldn't even sleep; my sinuses were clogged, my head was pounding, and my nose was absolutely raw with the continuous blowing. Yikes!

Sauces containing tomatoes: oddly enough eating spaghetti, pizza, and dipping shrimp in cocktail sauce was not too bad. It gave me minimal symptoms, some sniffling and a few blows on the nose but that's about it. Maybe if the tomatoes are mixed in a sauce with other ingredients lessens the allergic agents in the tomato. Ketchup however, seems to put me into a severe allergic reaction.

Not rocket science, but good to know what things I can play with in my daily diet! Keep you all updated...

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