Sunday, January 31, 2010


So as I am venturing to test my tomato allergy, I am also trying out different medicines that may combat it. Now, for severe allergies that pop up when the Santa Ana winds blow through I usually take a pretty high dosage of Claritan and that helps tremendously. Benadryl does not help with the wind.

However, I could not help myself when my Mikey craved some Chris & Pitts BBQ to order a side of their oh so yummy spaghetti. I did not devour it all, as I usually do and really wished I could. But I did take a good 3 or 4 fork-twirls full. I had a medium to mild attack in the morning. (Trust me, it was worth it!) I saw the Benadryl Allergy pills in the bathroom shelf and thought I'd give it a shot. IT WORKED! Now, it may just be because it was only a mild attack, and may not work for severe reactipns, but wow. This could be a breakthrough for me. Here's hoping! Keep you posted...

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